
Dustin's Gamble

by JJ Ranger

Category: Romance / Erotic

After leaving for a career in NYC, Shannon Piermont has come home to Bandera, Texas. Her cousin is getting married and her grandmother has died, but all she can think about is Dustin Dumen. The sexy ranch owner had once been able to charm her pants off, but not this time. Just because they'd once shared a passion hotter than the Texas sun, didn't mean she'd settle for barefoot and pregnant in a one-horse town. Dusty knew Shannon couldn't settle down until she'd seen the world and he'd taken a huge chance she'd find her way home. Now that she has, the stakes are higher and he'll do whatever it takes to keep her there. He'd gambled with their love once--he won't do it again. Can Dustin convince Shannon she can have it all??"a career and a family??"or will he have to settle for one last ride of passion?

ISBN: (digital) 9781612170718  

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