
Catching The Cajun

by Ursula Whistler

Category: Romance / Erotic

Paranormal blogger Felicia Li wants to show she’s more than an Internet flash in the pan. Her Paranormal Pest website is taking off as she debunks ghosts and monsters across the country. Her next gig involves busting a New Orleans tour group for a fake Loup Garou haunting the swamps. But the formidable tour owner kicks her off the boat, and she’s not above cozying up to the sexy Cajun to catch the fake monster. Jacques Mercier, owner of Cajun Boy Tours, isn’t about to let petite Felicia bring down his family business. He’s overcome oil spills and hurricanes, but something about the feisty Internet phenom tells him she’s going to be trouble for his business—and his heart.

ISBN: (digital) 9781509210398  ISBN: (print) 9781509210381

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